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Faculty Mentors

The Faculty Mentor/McNair Scholar relationship is one of the most important aspects of SSU's McNair Scholars Program. Faculty Mentors offer our Scholars the discipline-specific exposure and insight that they need to comprehend and acquire the abilities necessary to succeed in the academic world.

Our Faculty Mentors are committed to the McNair Scholar Program's mission of supporting and training future scholars. For the McNair Scholar, the benefit of participating in the program depends, to a large extent, on this supportive relationship.

McNair Faculty Mentors provide the following support to their McNair Scholar throughout the academic year:

  • Meets regularly with the McNair Scholar to offer guidance on the Scholar’s research activities and graduate school plans
  • Assists the Scholar in designing and developing a research project related to the Scholar’s academic and career interests, culminating in a presentation at SSU’s annual research symposium and a research article submission to SSU’s McNair Scholars Research Journal
  • Reviews and provides feedback on graduate application documents, such as the CV and Statement of Purpose  
  • Assists the Scholar in identifying appropriate discipline-specific professional venues to present their work.
  • Provides disciplinary expertise and guidance as the Scholar works to identify and prepare applications for at least 6 graduate programs

McNair Faculty Mentors receive a small honorarium each year in appreciation of their service to our program. 

If you are interested in mentoring a McNair Scholar, please contact Dr. Daniel Melero Malpica:



Spotlight on SSU's McNair Faculty Mentors