Ezra De La Cruz
Majors: Psychology & Economics
Mentor: Dr. Evan Lintz
Ezra grew up in the Central Valley in a town called Visalia. A not-so-fun fact about Visalia is that it is the least educated city in one of the least educated areas in the United States. Ezra discovered this when his political science professor projected it during class. Ezra has since been driven to not contribute to this statistic by pursuing a Doctoral degree.
Research Interests:
Ezra is committed to further understanding how stigma occurs within racial minority groups in the United States. Part of this understanding is considering the effects that those stigmas have on youth, adolescents, and emerging adults of those groups’ social interaction and clinical outcomes. At a larger scale, this research aims to gather an understanding of some of the challenges that younger members of racial minority groups in the US face as they enter adulthood.
Current Research:
Ezra's current research is being conducted alongside Dr. Evan Lintz, a leading expert in cognitive psychology at Sonoma State University. They aim to quantify the impacts that racial microaggressions have on attention and working memory.